March 2007

Got seven shots offhand from the 50 yard line, one half size, then came home and
extracted two "balls", two patches and one plug of powder.

Had I gone completely bananas? Probably. There is a sort of excuse/explanation
and here it is...

There was a matchlock/musket competition on the 100 yard range, so we all
moved up to the 50 yard line and I loaded up my rope burner. I took one shot
then it didn't want to know. I borrowed Frank's CO2 bottle and blew it out, we
all heard it go. It didn't seem very clear so I loaded powder only and that wouldn't
go despite much pricking and trickling. I haven't cleared that one yet, don't know.
what's down there.

Realising I was out of the running I switched to the Baker, took 6 shots and then
dry balled it. Back to Frank and we blew that one out to. Once again everyone
agreed it had gone, you all know the sound, like someone going for the world
record in a table tennis ball spitting competition. I even blew down the barrel to
make sure it was clear, okay it wasn't 100% and I should have measured it with
my rod before reloading but I didn't.

It was a swine to seat the next ball, especially as I forgot to take my short starter and
rubber mallet with me. I say forgot, I actually think the house pixies must have taken them
out of my shooting box and put them back in the drawer, but whatever the reason, I
didn't have them and whacking the balls in with an iron bar wasn't helping to keep
them round..

Anyway, I am now using Baker's leather patch because incinerated patches weren't
making for accurate shooting. Not easy finding the right leather. Cow split, pig wouldn't
go down even when hammered, deer was too soft and easy, goat felt just like Baker
described needing a firm push to get it started.before going down slick.

I stamped out a pile of patches and lubed them with Chuck Beasley's grease. But why did
Baker say the soldiers needed special instruction on how to lube patches if it was that easy?
Then Mike Pierce said leather patches needed a soft lube of whale oil and beeswax and the
patches had to be soaked right through. I mixed some up and it soaked in okay, but I think I
need a lot more oil after today's effort.

Despite much searching I could only find one fired patch, I think they are a lot more aerodynamic
than pillow ticking and must veer wildly off the straight and narrow, either that of they have
a natural camoflage, who can tell. The one I found was pefect. No trace of blow by, in
fact if it hadn't been baked dry I could have used it again.

Has it improved? The patches certainly aren't burning through any more and everything
hit the target. Shooting offhand won't help the group, firing from 50 yards will. Most
annoyingly, when I realised it was all over for the day I grabbed my BB gun and emptied
it at the target in a show of defiance to the Gods. Didn't work. Durned thing has an unrifled 3"
barrel, clunky sights, does about 200 ft/s and has blowback to put you off aim. Got
3 hits, go figure.